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Open Board Positions

We are currently looking to fill the following Board positions. 

  1. Secretary -  Primary responsibilities include managing the GAA sponsorship program and maintaining minutes and record of association meetings and events.  In addition to these duties, we are seeking an individual who can help manage the social media accounts and website for the association.  This would include the creation and distribution of content, advertising, association news, event photos, etc. via our Facebook page, bulk email system, and website.

  2. Sr. Baseball Commissioner - Primary responsibilities include managing team formation and league registration for Pony and Colt league baseball.  In line with our other commissioners, Sr. Baseball Commissioner, shall have the authority to decide on questions or problems concerning fields, membership, late sign-up, and/or to arbitrate disputes which cannot be resolved by the
    field league commissioner or which may be brought before the board for decision.

Board positions are filled in 2 year terms.  The current term for these positions expires November 2023.

Interested parties or those seeking more information should contact GAA President, Pete Garretson, at [email protected]

Open Volunteer Positions

Green Tree Athletic Association is seeking volunteers in the following positions for the upcoming fall and spring seasons.

Soccer Coaches - U6/U8/U10.  We offer both  fall and spring soccer programs and are always looking parents and community members to coach teams.  Our in-house seasons are typically 8 weeks (8 games / 8-10 Practices).  Spring soccer typically runs beginning of April through the end of May and our Fall season runs September/October. 

Baseball/Softball Coaches - We offer both fall and spring Baseball and Softball  for youth as young as 4 in our T-Ball/Rookie program to kids old enough to play in pony and colt league.  Season to season as players move through the age groups new volunteers are needed to step and fill roles as coaches and team managers. 

For all of our volunteer positions there is a great community of support in place to help assist coaches new and old.  These are important roles to fill and without dedicated community volunteers Green Tree would not be able to provide the quality youth sports programs this community deserves and has come to expect.  Please consider taking your turn and joining Green Tree Athletic Association as a volunteer.

To find out more about volunteer positions, please contact GAA President, Pete Garretson, at [email protected] or 412-973-1115, for more information.

Contact us

Green Tree Athletic Association

PO Box 16532 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15242
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 412-973-1115

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