Dear Potential Youth Baseball / Softball / Soccer Supporter:
The Green Tree Athletic Association (GAA), a member of the Keystone Oaks School District and a non-profit / all-volunteer organization has been sponsoring a youth soccer program in our community for a number of years. This program provides a coed recreational youth soccer league in both the spring and fall.
As member of the GAA Board of Directors, we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join us in supporting youth soccer in our community. With your sponsorship we are able to update equipment, certified trainers, pay for field maintenance, insurance fees, referees, and participating gifts. The benefits to our children and allowing us to bridge the gap from recreation soccer to high school soccer and beyond, is priceless. Please see the below to view the different levels of sponsorship and the benefits associated with each one.
Scoreboard Sign Sponsor - $750
Outfield Sign Sponsor - $350
Team Sponsor - $250
Donations - $50
We hope that you will consider joining us in sponsoring GAA Youth Team or advertising your company through Sponsor sign options. If you are interested, we ask that you send your donation to us by March 15th (this date is important for those sponsor’s logo or company name printed on a team jersey.) Donations made payable to GAA and mailed to 10 West Manilla Ave., Green Tree PA 15220. If you would like a specific logo used, please email a copy of that logo to [email protected]
*Outfield Sign Sponsorship levels shall have their company name / logo displayed on a a 4ft x 4ft sign posted seasonally on the outfield fence. Scoreboard Sign Sponsorship level shall have their company name / logo displayed on a 5ft x 2ft sign posted Annualy below the NEW Hemlock 1 Scoreboard. All Sponsor level will have their company's name, address and website posted on our website.
Thank you in advance for your help in providing the children of our community with a healthy, safe, and exciting sport to play. With your support and contribution you could be providing a strong stepping-stone in a child’s development in becoming the best soccer player they can be.
Our Tax I.D. # is 25-1299024